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The Changing Recycling Landscape in Canada – H2 Compliance North America Weighs In

The recycling landscape in Canada is undergoing significant changes. New regulations and a growing focus on environmental responsibility are pushing businesses to adopt more sustainable waste management practices. 

The Rise of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

One of the most significant trends in Canadian recycling is the rise of EPR programs. EPR places the responsibility for the lifecycle of a product, including its end-of-life management, on the producer. This incentivizes producers to design products that are easier to recycle and reduces the burden on municipalities.

H2 Compliance: Your Partner in Sustainable Waste Management

Key Considerations for Businesses

  • Understanding EPR regulations: Familiarize yourself with the specific EPR regulations that apply to your products in different provinces.
  • Developing a compliance plan: Work with a trusted partner like H2 Compliance to develop a comprehensive plan for meeting EPR requirements. This may involve registering with a PRO (like H2 Compliance), reporting on waste data, and ensuring proper collection and recycling of your products.
  • Investing in sustainable product design: Consider the environmental impact of your products throughout their lifecycle. Design products that are easier to disassemble, reuse, and recycle.

Partner with H2 Compliance North America

H2 Compliance offers a suite of services to help businesses navigate the complexities of EPR and achieve unparalleled compliance. The organization’s expertise spans ITT/AV, battery, Blue Box Material recycling, and textiles, and is internally backed by Landbell Group. Contact the H2 Compliance team today to work together to turn Canada’s recycling revolution into a reality. Visit the website at or call (514) 886-2588.

If you have any ideas for the 2024 Canadian Stewardship Conference,  
please reach out and let us know. We’d love to hear from you!